Friday 10 June 2011

Pattern Design and Development.

To start creating a pattern design, I created  patterns using dyes, paper and glitter.... I then put them into photoshop and digitally manipulated them; changing colour saturation...ect...

I then designed a repeat pattern in a black line drawing ...

Using photoshop I duplicated this pattern to create a repeat pattern effect....

I then dropped my colour pattern designs into the background to create my final pattern outcomes.....

Now that I have my final digital patterns I want to show how I would use these patterns in the fashion world.....first I tested them out on scarves by dropping my pattern into a picture.....

I also tested out swimsuits.....

I prefer my pattern on scarves and would wear it..... but after playing around by dropping my pattern into different images I found that my pattern is best suited to fashion illustrations....... these are my final outcomes.......

I then created these display sheets to present to any potentail clients.....

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